La revue Volšebnaja Gora [La Montagne Magique]
- Volšebnaja Gora [The magic mountain]
- Волшебная гора
p. 421-426
Fondée à Moscou en 1993 par Artur Medvedev, la revue Volšebnaja Gora est caractéristique de la mouvance que Mark J. Sedgwick appelle « le traditionalisme tempéré ». Mysticisme oriental et occidental, soufisme, ésotérisme, théologie orthodoxe, symbologie, sont les thèmes de prédilection des gros volumes (500 à 600 pages) de la série, qui sont publiés à un rythme moyen d’un volume par an.
Founded in 1993 by Artur Medvedev, a RGGU graduate in History, during the political havoc of the immediate post-sovietic period, the journal Volšebnaja Gora had originally a “culturological” agenda, but rapidly evolved to acquire its present profile which can be qualified as mildly traditionalist. Sufism, Western and Eastern Mysticisms, Esoterism, Orthodox theology, Symbolism are the favorite focus of the thick 500/600 pages black volumes of this collection, which owe their specific tone to the collaboration of enlightened essayists as well as professional researchers looking for a less formal tribune than the academic journals. So far, fifteen volumes have been published, at an average rhythm of one volume a year. The Volšebnaja Gora journal has a “sister” publication program which, under the same name, offers monographs dedicated to Russian philosophy (Vancugov), to Alchemy (Gleb Butuzov), or sometimes translations of famous western orientalists (Henry Corbin).
Основанный в 1993-ем году в Москве Артуром Медведевым журнал «Волшебная гора» характерен для движений, которые Марк Седгвик называет «умеренным традиционализмом». Западный и восточный мистицизм, суфизм, эзотеризм, православное богословие, символика являются основными темами толстых номеров - от 500 до 600 страниц – этой серии, выходящей в среднем один раз в год.
Trad. : Olga Cadars
Bibliographical reference
Nadejda Chtchetkina-Rocher, « La revue Volšebnaja Gora [La Montagne Magique] », Slavica Occitania, 29 | 2009, 421-426.
Electronic reference
Nadejda Chtchetkina-Rocher, « La revue Volšebnaja Gora [La Montagne Magique] », Slavica Occitania [Online], 29 | 2009, Online since 08 juin 2023, connection on 03 décembre 2024. URL :