La structure du mot et de l’expression dans l’œuvre de G. Chpet

p. 19-30


The structure of the word and the expression in Gustave Shpet's work, and its meaning for the structuralism history

In the seventh chapter of Javlenie i smysl (Appearance and sense), entitled "Sense and Comprehension" (Smysl i urazumenie), Gustav Shpet comes to formulate, in the context of a critical presentation of the husserlian phenomenology and in a logical and hermeneutic perspective, the contents of the structure of the word and the expression. This discovery has a double meaning: in the first place, for the whole Gustave Shpet's work; secondly, for a new approach to the structuralism and its renewal in the light of the current recognition of Gustave Shpet's work. Within the framework of the post-modernity, the humanities, in touch with the structuralism development, were criticized and indicated as mortals (Foucault), because corresponding in a limited épistemè, that of the modernity. By referring to Gustave Shpet's discovery, it will be a question of showing that we can go out of this spirit of the post-modernity which announces the end and the extinction of the humanities, and that these can be replaced in a wider and more fundamental context, implying a return in the philosophic, logical and hermeneutic perspectives, and driving to the overtaking of the limitations to which they were subjected (in Russia as much as in West) together with the structuralism.



Chpet, Gustave


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Bibliographical reference

Maryse Dennes, « La structure du mot et de l’expression dans l’œuvre de G. Chpet », Slavica Occitania, 26 | 2008, 19-30.

Electronic reference

Maryse Dennes, « La structure du mot et de l’expression dans l’œuvre de G. Chpet », Slavica Occitania [Online], 26 | 2008, Online since 12 novembre 2019, connection on 16 janvier 2025. URL :


Maryse Dennes

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