Actualité et perspectives de la notion de forme interne chez G. Chpet

p. 449-493


Current Problems and Perspectives of the Notion of Internal Form of G. Chpet (in Psychology and Cognitive Sciences)

Two notions-keys – the generation of variability and the inward form – base Chept's reflexions on the functioning of verbal language and the languages in general as creation continuous of the meaning. It is about cognitive processes: they are anchored in the work of the active perception of the body in a significance social (in The inward form of the word) and – we can add to-day – of the boby/brain in a significance biological.



Chpet, Gustave


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Bibliographical reference

Nicolas Zavialoff, « Actualité et perspectives de la notion de forme interne chez G. Chpet », Slavica Occitania, 26 | 2008, 449-493.

Electronic reference

Nicolas Zavialoff, « Actualité et perspectives de la notion de forme interne chez G. Chpet », Slavica Occitania [Online], 26 | 2008, Online since 12 novembre 2019, connection on 24 janvier 2025. URL :


Nicolas Zavialoff

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