Chpet écrivain : l’interaction du moi et de la pensée dans ses travaux

p. 225-232


Shpet as a Writer. The Interaction of the Word and the Thought in the “Aesthetic Fragments”.

The philosophical discourse of Gustav Shpet shows the combination of the logical constructions and the artistic methods. Metaphors are based not on the superficial likeness but on the emotional perception. Sometimes the metaphors are organized as a sequence. G.Shpet uses low-colloquial words, occasionalisms, makes fresh oxymorons. He has a lot of wit and self-irony. His speech is full of “sound greek words”, English and German words and sayings. For Shpet there is no difference between his native language and foreign languages.


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Bibliographical reference

Olga Novikova, « Chpet écrivain : l’interaction du moi et de la pensée dans ses travaux », Slavica Occitania, 26 | 2008, 225-232.

Electronic reference

Olga Novikova, « Chpet écrivain : l’interaction du moi et de la pensée dans ses travaux », Slavica Occitania [Online], 26 | 2008, Online since 16 mai 2023, connection on 16 janvier 2025. URL :


Olga Novikova