Trois publications du Département de Philosophie du GAKhN

p. 109-125


Three Issues of the GAKhN's Philosophy Department: Variations on the Theme of Inner Form

Shpet's understanding of inner form represents the focal point of theoritical research and activities of GAKhN, turning into one of those fundamental tenets that made possible for the Academy to assume its unique role in the panorama of Russian human sciences of the 20's. It's quite emblematic that the only three publications of the GAKhN's philosophy department go far beyond the traditional linguistic realm of the inner form, while maintaining intact and inaltered the original Shpet's framework, particularly the onthologic foundations and denial of any phsycologism.


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Bibliographical reference

Maria-Candida Ghidini, « Trois publications du Département de Philosophie du GAKhN », Slavica Occitania, 26 | 2008, 109-125.

Electronic reference

Maria-Candida Ghidini, « Trois publications du Département de Philosophie du GAKhN », Slavica Occitania [Online], 26 | 2008, Online since 16 mai 2023, connection on 21 janvier 2025. URL :


Maria-Candida Ghidini

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