L’influence des travaux de G. Chpet sur l’étude des problèmes de la forme artistique

p. 97-107


Influence of G. Shpet’s Works on Investigation of Problem of the “Art Form” in GAKhN (State Academy of Art Sciences)

The word in its internal forms as the basis of G. Shpet’s philosophical system. G. Shpet's concept of person’s spiritual life and basic methodological principles of it’s research. Concept of «internal form» and its transition from area of philosophy of language in area of philosophy of culture. Philosophy of language as a basis of philosophy of culture. Philosophy of culture – psychology of culture and art – formation of person’s cultural consciousness - personal psychology. The inner form of art products (art form) as a subject of scientific research in GAKhN. Application of G. Shpet’s methodology in concrete researches of GAKhN scientists: use of algorithm of the structural analysis of a word and art products in the analysis of literary and painting works.


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Bibliographical reference

Natalia Poleva, « L’influence des travaux de G. Chpet sur l’étude des problèmes de la forme artistique », Slavica Occitania, 26 | 2008, 97-107.

Electronic reference

Natalia Poleva, « L’influence des travaux de G. Chpet sur l’étude des problèmes de la forme artistique », Slavica Occitania [Online], 26 | 2008, Online since 16 mai 2023, connection on 10 février 2025. URL : http://interfas.univ-tlse2.fr/slavicaoccitania/1043


Natalia Poleva