La signification de la réflexion méthodologique de G. Chpet
p. 427-436
Value of G. Shpet’s Methodological Ideas for Modern Psychology
G. Shpet's works is a methodological reflection of the future of psychology. Psychology development as the change of types of scientific rationality: classical, non classical and post-non-classical. Modern psychology at the face of "calls": postmodernism, post-non-classical ideas and methodological "turns" of the humanities. In works of the Russian scientists of beginning of 20th century (G. Shpet, M. Bakhtin, etc.) has been declared the new research paradigm, which can help to search answers to these "calls". G. Shpet's early works (for example «One way of psychology and where it conducts») contain a substantiation of cultural-analytical tradition in psychology (how can the psychology as a descriptive and analytical science be possible). In late Shpet’s works (during his work in The State Academy of Art Sciences) was planned the new research paradigm, which contained ideas of postmodernist and post-non-classical psychology.
Bibliographical reference
Marina Guseltseva, « La signification de la réflexion méthodologique de G. Chpet », Slavica Occitania, 26 | 2008, 427-436.
Electronic reference
Marina Guseltseva, « La signification de la réflexion méthodologique de G. Chpet », Slavica Occitania [Online], 26 | 2008, Online since 16 mai 2023, connection on 17 février 2025. URL :