Dans l’ombre du structuralisme (Chklovski, Merleau-Ponty… et Chpet ?)
p. 393-403
In the Shadow of Structuralism: Šklovskij, Merleau-Ponty… and Špet?
I wish here to tackle Gustav Špet's work in the context of a specific interpretation of the history of structuralism. This interpretation will focus on the covert existence of a question that structuralism tried to sideline early on, but which, in effect, haunted it ever since its origins in Russian formalism: it is the question of perceptual sense , or in more phenomenological terms, the question of the modes of donation of sensible reality in intelligible and meaningful structures. My purpose, thereby, is to gain a critical perspective on a very important issue of Špet's philosophy, namely, his ontological conception of the sign.
Bibliographical reference
Patrick Flack, « Dans l’ombre du structuralisme (Chklovski, Merleau-Ponty… et Chpet ?) », Slavica Occitania, 26 | 2008, 393-403.
Electronic reference
Patrick Flack, « Dans l’ombre du structuralisme (Chklovski, Merleau-Ponty… et Chpet ?) », Slavica Occitania [Online], 26 | 2008, Online since 16 mai 2023, connection on 26 janvier 2025. URL : http://interfas.univ-tlse2.fr/slavicaoccitania/1087