La pensée de Gustave Chpet et l’anthropologie polonaise : Chpet et Ingarden

p. 191-198


The Philosophy of Gustav Shpet and the Polish Anthropology: Shpet and Ingarden

According to Ingarden, a man is a human being with the triple constitution- physical, psychic and spiritual. Ingarden claims that a man is an axiological being who has personal values. We can notice that Ingarden’s theory of the man has tendency to hypostasis and metaphysic. Shpet’s anthropology in comparison with Ingarden is an original attempts to overcome the metaphysical thinking. Shpet defines an individual as an element of community who participates in it through language (communication), abilities and culture. ‘Ego” does not exist beyond the communicative community. The body and products of human, objectivized through a participation in community are only personal.


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Bibliographical reference

Marta Trybowska, « La pensée de Gustave Chpet et l’anthropologie polonaise : Chpet et Ingarden », Slavica Occitania, 26 | 2008, 191-198.

Electronic reference

Marta Trybowska, « La pensée de Gustave Chpet et l’anthropologie polonaise : Chpet et Ingarden », Slavica Occitania [Online], 26 | 2008, Online since 16 mai 2023, connection on 06 décembre 2024. URL :


Marta Trybowska