La découverte de la langue bulgare par les linguistes russes au XIXe siècle [volume intégral]

p. 1-521


« Discovery of the Bulgarian Language by the 19th Century Russian Linguists » In the history of Slavistics, little is known about the period of the Bulgarian language discovery by the 19th century Russian linguists. The author of the present thesis endeavours to recreate, despite the rarity of documents on the topic, the historical and scientific context which prepared the event. For that purpose, she draws her inspiration from the conditions which accompanied the first descriptions of other languages than Bulgarian. By doing so, many important factors emerge, underlining the whole complexity of the process of discovering the other. In this work, the reader will find an original, comprehensive and detailed analysis of the first grammar, of the first dictionary of the Bulgarian language written by Russian linguists in the 19th century. Besides the fact that this analysis is filling a gap maintained for too long in the history of the Bulgarian language studies, it also brings about a new way of looking upon the state of the language at that time and allows, thanks to a game of perspectives between the linguistic conceptions of the 19th century and those in use today, to follow the main stages of its evolution. The results of this tremendous learning study open up to new research orientations, in the field of Slavistics as well as in the field of Linguistics in general. They would also find a useful application to other subjects directed towards creation and perception in cross-cultural context. Key words: Bulgarian language, Venelin, Djuvernua, Russian Linguistics, 19th century, Slavistics (the study of Slavic languages)


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Référence papier

Christina Andrieu, « La découverte de la langue bulgare par les linguistes russes au XIXe siècle [volume intégral] », Slavica Occitania, 32 | 2011, 1-521.

Référence électronique

Christina Andrieu, « La découverte de la langue bulgare par les linguistes russes au XIXe siècle [volume intégral] », Slavica Occitania [En ligne], 32 | 2011, mis en ligne le 26 novembre 2019, consulté le 15 février 2025. URL :


Christina Andrieu

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