Le creuset de W. von Humboldt et la forme interne de G. Chpet
p. 313-332
Melting Pot of Wilhelm Humboldt and Internal Form of the Word of Gustav Shpet in the Context of Creativity.
Vasily Kandinsky boldly put into words what many people sense intuitively: “the external not born out of the internal is stillborn.” Among many epistemological metaphors used to understand the internal reality of creative act, Humboldt’s “melting pot” has a unique place; Wittgenstein said that even logic melts in the melting pot. Concepts of internal forms of the word (G.G. Shpet), action (N.A. Bernshtein) and image (A.V. Zaporozhets) allow us to give this metaphor a more concrete definition. Internal form of the word contains image and action; internal form of the action includes image and word; and the internal form of the image encompasses word and action. In the crucible, this web of internal forms melts into a fertile chaos; upon expression, it transforms into pure external forms of either word, or action or image. Each of these external forms preserves all the richness of the internal forms that generated it and thus demands experiencing, interpretation and understanding.
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Référence papier
Vladimir Zinchenko, « Le creuset de W. von Humboldt et la forme interne de G. Chpet », Slavica Occitania, 26 | 2008, 313-332.
Référence électronique
Vladimir Zinchenko, « Le creuset de W. von Humboldt et la forme interne de G. Chpet », Slavica Occitania [En ligne], 26 | 2008, mis en ligne le 16 mai 2023, consulté le 18 février 2025. URL : http://interfas.univ-tlse2.fr/slavicaoccitania/1077