G. Chpet et A. Biély dans l’horizon phénoménologique de l’Âge d’argent
p. 161-172
G. Shpet and A. Bely in the phenomenologico-hermeneutical horizon of the Silver Age
It’s the variations of Kantian and Neo-Kantian philosophical themes that are of particular interest in the works G. Shpet and A. Bely. The specific of their reception of philosophical ideas of Kant and Neo-Kantians is essential for the characteristic of the phenomenologico-hermeneutical horizon in general, as well as for the distinction of their own approaches. That’s the perspective in which we are interested in the idea of L. Silard, according to which it is necessary to analyze “the presence of polemic held between G. Shpet and V. Ivanov (and also A. Bely) concerning the limits of signification of words and the consequences which follow from here for the object and the horizon of hermeneutic”. Here lies the point of departure of two hermeneutical strategies – the hermeneutic of G. Shpet, oriented towards the monophony of sense, and the mytho-symbolic hermeneutic of A. Bely and V. Ivanov, oriented towards its polyphony.
Bibliographical reference
Olga Mazaeva, « G. Chpet et A. Biély dans l’horizon phénoménologique de l’Âge d’argent », Slavica Occitania, 26 | 2008, 161-172.
Electronic reference
Olga Mazaeva, « G. Chpet et A. Biély dans l’horizon phénoménologique de l’Âge d’argent », Slavica Occitania [Online], 26 | 2008, Online since 16 mai 2023, connection on 17 février 2025. URL : http://interfas.univ-tlse2.fr/slavicaoccitania/1053