G. Chpet et M. Bakhtine : aux sources de la métalangue du « cercle de Bakhtine »

p. 75-87


G. Shpet and M. Bakhtin: to the Sources of the metalanguage of the "Circle of Bakhtin"

G.G. Shpet's name quite often appears in various contexts of reflections about M.M. Bakhtin though direct mentions of him in the published memoirs of the last are not present. Marks of dialogue with the contemporary are traced, however, in a number of Bakhtin works… The researchers addressed to this theme, are unanimous that Bakhtin and his nearest scientific environment watched closely G.G. Shpet's publications as one of outstanding theorists of philosophy of language and art word in Russia (USSR). The analysis of works of M.M. Bakhtin and so-called «disputed texts», belonging to P.N. Medvedev and V.N. Voloshinov, shows interesting correlation between their metalanguage (terminology, phraseology) and G.G. Shpet's scientific prose («Aesthetic Fragments», «Internal Form of the word» etc.).


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Référence papier

Nikolaï Vasiliev, « G. Chpet et M. Bakhtine : aux sources de la métalangue du « cercle de Bakhtine » », Slavica Occitania, 26 | 2008, 75-87.

Référence électronique

Nikolaï Vasiliev, « G. Chpet et M. Bakhtine : aux sources de la métalangue du « cercle de Bakhtine » », Slavica Occitania [En ligne], 26 | 2008, mis en ligne le 16 mai 2023, consulté le 18 mai 2024. URL : http://interfas.univ-tlse2.fr/slavicaoccitania/1039


Nikolaï Vasiliev