G. Chpet et M. Bakhtine : divergences attendues et rapprochements inattendus

p. 49-62


G. Shpet and M. Bakhtin: Expected Divergences and Unexpected Approximations

Even though the linguistic theories by Shpet and Bakhtin proceed from the diametrically opposite assumptions, they are, nevertheless, conceptually approaching each other in series of the intellectual and logical moments and constructions. The thesis expounded in the paper is that one of significant reasons for this approximation is the rarely mentioned circumstance, namely, that beyond the evident contradictions between Shpet and Bakhtin there is an underlying non sequitur likeness, and this likeness is determined by unity of their mutual dominant target – to find a way out of linguistical subjectivity. The direct contrarity of theirs conceptions is rooted in the different understanding of the very nature of the correlation between language and meaning. As is generally known, Shpet tended to bring them together as much as possible, still avoiding the full merging, hoping that this very nearness would open the real perspective of getting rid of, as he said, a solitary confinement of subjectivism. Whereas Bakhtin, on the contrary, insisted that the distance between meaning and language, still avoiding the complete separation, is unavoidable and blessed, and he pinned his faith upon polyphony – the special creative form that makes use just of this distance – as the only way to overcome solipsism.


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Référence papier

Lioudmila Gogotishvili, « G. Chpet et M. Bakhtine : divergences attendues et rapprochements inattendus », Slavica Occitania, 26 | 2008, 49-62.

Référence électronique

Lioudmila Gogotishvili, « G. Chpet et M. Bakhtine : divergences attendues et rapprochements inattendus », Slavica Occitania [En ligne], 26 | 2008, mis en ligne le 16 mai 2023, consulté le 14 mai 2024. URL : http://interfas.univ-tlse2.fr/slavicaoccitania/1035


Lioudmila Gogotishvili

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