G. Chpet : Problèmes théoriques de littérature et de théâtre dans les années 1920

p. 33-48


Gustave Chpet : Literary and Theatre Theory in the 1920s.

In this essay I focus on Shpet's theoretical work on literature and theatre during the 1920s. Notwithstanding its significance, Gustav Shpet's intellectual career is still insufficiently researched and conceptualised, both in Russia and in the West. For that reason I begin by furnishing an outline of the main stages of his life and evolution as a thinker, along with an account of the principal areas of his work. Once the larger context of his multifaceted intellectual endeavours is established, in the latter part of the article I address in more detail Shpet's engagement with literary and theatre theory, assessing in the process the precarious balance between innovation and regression that marks his contribution. I do so by discussing in detail his involvement in the study of literature and theatre in the Moscow Linguistic Circle and at the State Academy of Artistic Sciences (GAKhN), and by posing, subsequently, the question of his position within the larger field of theoretical enquiry in the 1920s. Examining Shpet's perspective in relation to Mikhail Bakhtin's invites itself as a necessary step in answering this question.



Chpet, Gustave


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Bibliographical reference

Galin Tihanov, « G. Chpet : Problèmes théoriques de littérature et de théâtre dans les années 1920 », Slavica Occitania, 26 | 2008, 33-48.

Electronic reference

Galin Tihanov, « G. Chpet : Problèmes théoriques de littérature et de théâtre dans les années 1920 », Slavica Occitania [Online], 26 | 2008, Online since 12 novembre 2019, connection on 04 mai 2024. URL : http://interfas.univ-tlse2.fr/slavicaoccitania/1034


Galin Tihanov

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